dis_pkt9.zip |
This is a packet driver that assume that you have Windows For Workgroups version 3.11,
an ethernet card, and that you have installed WFWG 3.11 with NDIS drivers for your
ethernet card. If this is not the case with your system, this document will be of little
help to you. |
internet.zip |
- twsk20.b.zip Trumpet Winsock
- eudor143.exe Eudora Mail for Windows
- ws_ftp.zip WS_FTP ftp client
- nscape09.zip Netscape Web Browser
- ewan103.zip Ewan telnet client
- winvn926.zip WinVn News Reader
- elogin.cmd Login script for Trumpet Winsock
- elogoff.cmd Logout script fot Trumpet Winsock
twswfwg.zip |
This is Trumpet Winsock TCP/IP *only* for Windows for Workgroups 3.11. If you are
already running the MS TCP/IP-32 for Windows(TM) for Workgroups 3.11 (found at
ftp.microsoft.com in \peropsys\wfw\tcpip\vxdbeta) you might question your sanity. You'll
have to remove that first. If you want to do SLIP, this isn't for you either. |
winsock.zip |
The Trumpet Winsock is a Windows Sockets 1.1 compatible TCP/IP stack which provides a
standard networking layer for many Windows(tm) networking applications to use, and has
itself been a major vehicle in achieving widespread use of Windows Sockets 1.1. The
product is a shareware item and as such, you are permitted to evaluate it for a period of
30 days. |
wintalk.zip |
WinTalk allows Windows users who have the WINSOCK DLL installed on their system to
participate in real-time conversations with remote users, using the popular Unix
"ntalk" (and its older cousin, "talk") protocol. The program acts as
both a talk client and server, responding to remote talk requests with a pop-up
"ring" dialog, an auditory ring, or both. |
winvn_92.zip |
This is an NNTP newsreader for Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Windows/NT. You can use it to
read and post Usenet News, and send email (via SMTP or MAPI) |
wncode23.zip |
Wincode is a Windows 3.1 program which converts 8-bit BINARY (EXE,COM, GIF,etc) files
to 7-bit ASCII (Text) files (and vice versa) through a process known as uucoding. This
BINARY/ASCII conversion allows you to send and receive binary files via e-mail or any
other ascii-based communications system. |
wtwsk10b.zip |
Trumpet for Windows is a Network News Reader for Microsoft Windows (tm) that uses the
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) to link into the Usenet news system. Usenet is a
distributed computerized news system and is a part of a network consisting of thousands of
interconnected computer system. |
wwwpcnfs.arj |
This is he PC-NFS version of the WorldWideWeb LineMode browser. It was compiled with
Microsoft C v5.1 compiler and the Sun PC-NFS toolkit library. Testing was done under MSDOS
5.0 and Sun PC-NFS v3.5c. |
wsock1b2.arj |
NCSA Sockets for Microsoft Windows version 1.0 BETA 2 isthe second beta release of
NCSA Sockets for Microsoft Windows. This WINSOCK.DLL is NOT compliant with the Microsoft
Windows WinSock API!!!! Enough functionality is implemented to run our software, and we
follow the Microsoft API, but we have not implemented the entire API, or even close to it. |
wnqvt465.arj |
WinQVT is a DEC VT220/102/52 terminal emulator and communications program which has
been created to run under Microsoft Windows as a true 'Windows' application. WinQVT
provides exceptionally complete VT emulation, including double-wide and double-high
characters, the full 'Special Graphics' character set, smooth scrolling, 132 columns, and
user-defined keys.
In addition to terminal emulation, WinQVT offers file transfer facilities using five
popular protocols - Kermit, XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM, and CompuServe B-Plus, as well as
auto-dial and auto-login capabilities. Since WinQVT is a Windows application, these
operations, once started, may be sent to the background, thereby permitting the use of the
machine for other tasks. |
wmail101.arj |
WinMail is a Windows mail reader. Cinetic systems is proud to announce the first
release of WinMail. After reading all this mail about everyone wanting to read their UUCP
mail from within Windows in UUPC mailing list (uupc-info@sun.soe.clarkson.edu) it came to
me that I could do a mail reader for Windows 3.0. Well, here it!!! Winmail has only been
tested so far with UUPC/extended version 1.09 to 1.11f. I know it probably won't work with
other UUCP packages because of differences in parameter passed to the mailer. |
winvn.arj |
This program is a visual Usenet news reader for Microsoft Windows. It bears a vague
similarity to the Unix program "vn"; hence the name WinVN. WinVN is an own-time
project and should not be considered an official product of anyone but myself. However, I
am making the source and binary freely available to anyone who wants them. |
wintelb3.arj |
NCSA Telnet for MS Windows (unsupported beta 3). |
winpkt.arj |
Source code for the popular winpkt driver, contains a bunch of "asm" files.
Winpkt provides a Packet Driver interface between Windows 3 Enhanced mode applications and
a real Packet Driver. This attempts to solve the problem of Windows moving applications
around in memory willy nilly. Install WINPKT after the Packet Driver but before starting
Windows. |
winapps.arj |
Collection of Windows 3.x Winsock applications, ftpw, telw, winchat, view, pingw,
hopchkw, and winarch. |
win100.arj |
A version of Kermit for Microsoft Windows 3.0 has been made available for distribution
by Columbia University. The complete package contains a Windows program along with
documentation, fonts, and complete sources. The basic program, WIN100, contains a
substantial emulation of DEC VT100 and VT52 terminals and a version of Kermit with enough
features to perform reliable file transfer as well as act as a client to a Kermit server. |
nscape09.arj |
One of the first versions of Netscape 0.09 BETA, pre FRAMES and JAVA. Very basic. |
ipwin.arj |
InfoPop/Windows 1.0 (c) 1993, GMUtant Software is a Windows 3.1 help database for the
Internet. If you are already familiar with the DOS-based version of InfoPop, you'll
recognize most of the information contained here. This is a port of the DOS-based InfoPop
database to Windows--with a few new entries added. To all the DOS InfoPop users who asked
for a Windows version, this is it...turns out it made more sense to use Window's excellent
hypertext help engine, and thanks to L. David Baldwin's excellent freeware package RTFGEN,
it wasn't too hard to move the data over to a Rich Text Format (RTF) file (which the
Windows help compiler requires). |
inetcon1.arj |
This software provides features to serve both as a development tool as well as a
networking software platform. Whether you are a professional developer seeking a
Windows(TM) network development tool; or a user requiring a fast, robust networking
package to run Window Socket applications, or a Value-Added-Reseller seeking a sofware
utility to add networking capability to existing applications, this product is for you. |